Dare to change Brussels

A dynamic region in which to live, work and do business.
June 18, 2024 by
Dare to change Brussels

The elections are symbolic of a renewal of the political landscape in Brussels. Whatever government is in place, BECI will continue to defend the interests of entrepreneurs and the self-employed, who are at the root of value creation and employment. We must never forget that Brussels has more than 35,000 businesses and 100,000 self-employed people.

First of all, there is an urgent need to resolve the problems of cleanliness and security, and to improve the image of Brussels, both from the point of view of the people of Brussels and from that of the rest of the country and beyond our borders.

On the economic level, BECI expects the next Brussels government to focus on three fundamental priorities:

1. Significantly increasing the employment rate
Brussels is facing major human challenges and is lagging behind in terms of employment rate performance (67%), against a backdrop of shortages in 108 professions (26,000 vacancies). All active people, whatever their situation, must be able to find a job and participate in economic life. Businesses will do their part to enable 80% of the working-age population to find a job that suits them. To achieve this, training will be key, but informal work will also have to be tackled.

2. Implementing more fluid and multimodal mobility
Giving the people of Brussels the keys to employment also means ensuring that they can get around easily. The same applies to commuters, tourists and economic decision-makers who want to get to Brussels easily, to work and enjoy themselves. We also need to completely overhaul the implementation of mobility plans and rethink accessibility and connectivity to the world via the stations and Brussels Airport, our international airport.

3. Improving the economic climate
As a prerequisite for a more attractive Region with the resources to meet all its challenges, Brussels must adopt exemplary governance, thanks in particular to administrative simplification and controlled local and regional taxation. BECI expects the next government to take massive action to ensure that permits are issued much more quickly and, more generally, to provide effective support for energy transformation.

Finally, from a different perspective, it is worth emphasising the extent to which we are experiencing a major transformation of our society and, consequently, of the economy with the development of Artificial Intelligence. It is important not to miss this turning point.

AI offers much-needed efficiency gains for our institutions and businesses in Brussels, and will be a necessary partner in the energy transition. BECI wants to be a constructive partner to the next government so that together we can make this transition a success, control the risks and seize all the opportunities.


in Beci
Dare to change Brussels
Beci June 18, 2024
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