Public Affairs



BECI is a neutral and inter-sectorial organisation, committed to serving its members and enhancing the economic attractiveness of the Brussels Region.

Formally recognised for its missions by the public authorities, BECI participates in 95+ entities that play a significant role in the governance of the Brusselsegion, including Brupartners, Actiris, Hub Brussels, Bruxelles Formations, Citydev and Brustart.

We are the voice of 35.000 companies and 100.000 entrepreneurs active in Brussels, representing 2/3 of jobs and 80% of value creation within the European and Belgian capital.


BECI defends Brussels companies and manages assets in excess of €2 billion through its various mandates within public and private institutions and organisations.


1,000+ meetings/year with ministers and public officials at all levels of power (federal, regional, municipal), as well as with all sectoral federations and trade unions operating in Brussels. Beci is also at the initiative of two professional high schools: EPFC and CVO Semper. Nearly 1,000 people, and 32,000 students.


We communicate massively via our channels (, magazine, social networks, radio, etc.), regular interviews in the media, position papers and memorandums. Our positioning is clear and constant in favor of Brussels and business.

BECI's priority for the Brussels-Capital Region is, first and foremost, to solve the problems of cleanliness and safety and to improve the image of Brussels, both from the point of view of the people of Brussels and from that of the rest of the country and beyond our borders.
Here are the key points we are putting on the negotiating table with the various governments:

Three fundamental priorities must be strengthened for the Brussels-Capital Region

1. Employment rate

Against a backdrop of shortages (26,000 vacancies for 108 professions), BECI recommends strengthening the paths that lead to employment. The Brussels Region should aim for an employment rate of 80% by 2030​.

2. Smooth, multimodal mobility

To reduce traffic jams in this dynamic region, it is crucial to restructure the ring road, renovate the tunnels and guarantee multimodality. It is also vital to rethink accessibility via the stations and Brussels International Airport.

3. A favourable economic climate

 To make Brussels more attractive, it needs exemplary governance, simplified administration and a controlled tax system. BECI also calls for permits to be issued more quickly and for assistance with energy transformation.

Finally, BECI highlights the importance of developing Artificial Intelligence, which contributes to the Region's economy.


Positioned at the intersection of diverse business sectors and communities, BECI plays a pivotal role in facilitating exchanges between companies of all sizes across various industries, as well as between the private and public sectors..

Guided by a member-centric approach, BECI aspires to mobilise vibrant communities and inspiring leaders.

The conferences, workshops, roundtables and other 50+ activities organised by BECI every month are conducive to contacts and personal relations that, in turn, generate mutually beneficial business.

M2M Business

At the heart of the 3.0 approach, we facilitate all forms of collaboration between our members: co-creation of events, matchmaking formats, free networking breakfasts, etc.  

Leader Circle

Representing all companies and sectors in Brussels, we develop special opportunities for leaders of all horizons (CEOs, policy-makers, entrepreneurs, etc.) to meet and match around specific fomats such as roundtables, one-to-one gatherings and dedicated events.


BECI has built an innovative business ecosystem around thematic communities and programs in fields such as ‘Digital/AI’, ‘Starters’, ‘Scale up’ ‘International’, ‘ESG’, ‘‘Women entrepreneurs’ , ’Social Law’, and ‘City marketing’.


Through its activities and the basecamp made available to members at 500 Avenue Louise, BECI aims at being a meeting point and a platform of services for the business world and for its members in particular.

We call it ‘Brussels as a Service’.

BECI is a key destination to access physical and online business support for administrative services (ATA carnets, certificates, etc.), training programs in all fields, and business solutions such as domiciliation, space rental or legal advisory.

Basecamp 500

Fully equipped with a member area, event venues for up to 130 people, a radio studio, meeting rooms, rooftop, creative room and business suites, our shared offices at Louise 500 is the ‘community house’ where our members connect and co-create. 


BECI offers a wide range of workshops and training in areas such as accounting, artificial intelligence, marketing, human resources and digital. We work with experts from our network of members and leading educational players such as ULB, VUB, BMI and EPFC, for example. 

Business Services

BECI continuously develops a hybrid range of business solutions together with its networks of partners and members. We deliver full administrative support for exports and all social formalities via the Partena Professional office located at Louise 500.  

Beci est reconnu pour sa maîtrise des enjeux socio-économiques à Bruxelles et sa capacité à donner un éclairage objectif dans le dialogue avec les acteurs institutionnels. Les entreprises ont besoin d’un partenaire fiable face à la complexité bruxelloise. C’est aussi le cas de Brussels Airport : Beci rappelle régulièrement l’importance de l’aéroport pour des secteurs clefs à Bruxelles ou les initiatives que nous prenons pour développer nos activités de façon durable et équilibrée.

Nous partageons en outre la vocation sociétale de Beci pour Bruxelles. La volonté de rendre Bruxelles à sa véritable dimension : une ville accueillante pour la diversité de sa population, une région indépendante et une capitale européenne ouverte sur le reste du monde. Beci offre plus qu’un réseau d’entreprises. C’est une organisation entreprenante qui s’implique dans des projets concrets aux côtés de ses entreprises.

Laurent Wischhoff Public Affairs Managers à Brussels Airport
Brussels Airport est membre de BECI depuis 2011,

Delhaize is convinced of the importance of its involvement in Beci. In addition to its strong brand, Delhaize also represents a network of more than 90 shops in Brussels managed by Brussels entrepreneurs who are integrated into the local communities and who contribute to the life and development of our Region.

Alexandros Boussis • SVP Commerce Delhaize et membre du conseil d’administration de BECI

Delhaize is a founding member of the Union of Enterprises in Brussels. In 2021 Delhaize celebrated its 50th year of Beci membership.


We saw Beci as a strategic ally in achieving our sustainable development and innovation objectives.

Our adventure with Beci has been marked by a successful and rewarding collaboration. Thanks to Beci, we have been able to expand our professional network, gain access to essential resources and benefit from strategic support that has facilitated our growth and sustainable development.

‘The training opportunities, expert advice and networking events have all helped to strengthen our position as Brussels' leading healthy fast food restaurant.’  

Member since 2007, Exki is part of the Beci Community

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