Our different membership categories
Member category
Your advantages:
- Government representation
- Social Partners representation
- Economic act
- Networking Events
- Business content on beci.be
- Monthly digital magazine (PDF)
- Trainings
- Candidate trainer
- Expert Platform
- Hot Desk Basecamp Louise 500
Category A: One person company
Category B: Company from 1 to 4 employees
Category C: Company from 5 to 9 employees
Silver Membership
Your Silver advantages:
- The same advantages as the Member category
- Contribute to thematic lobby
- Premium event
- Articles on beci.be
- BXFM podcast
- Print monthly magazine
- Premium Seminars
Gold Membership
Your Gold advantages:
- The same advantages as the Silver category
- Lobby as a Service
- Candidate board member Beci
- Thematic round table
- Hot news CEO article
- Leadership Circle
- Online visibility
- Onsite beci event
Diamond Membership
Your Diamond advantages:
- The same advantages as the Gold category
- Personalized thematic lobby
- Personalized premium event
- Personalized articles on beci.be
- Personalized BXFM
- Print monthly magazine
- Personalized premium Seminars
- Personalized lobby
- Candidate board member Beci
- Personalized thematic round table
- Personalized CEO article
- Personalized leadership Circle
- Personalized online visibility
- Personalized onsite Beci event