Implementation of artificial intelligence: "Let's reinvent Brussels"

September 9, 2024 by
Era Balaj

Since June, the Brussels Chamber of Commerce and the Union of Enterprises in Brussels have put artificial intelligence at the heart of their missions. Faced with a rapidly evolving society, our Brussels businesses need to adapt to remain competitive and successful. How can we successfully implement AI? Thierry Geerts, CEO of BECI, explains.

While we tend to see digital and human as opposites, you refute this common misconception in your book ‘Homo Digitalis: how digitalisation is making us more human’.

What's interesting is not the technology itself, but what we do with it. It was implemented 150 years ago with electricity, for example. Society was electrified, making businesses more efficient. It's the same principle for artificial intelligence: people developed this tool, which made it easier to communicate. This makes us fundamentally human, because ‘being human’ means communicating more easily. The key is to be able to master the technology. That's how we can make society more efficient.

How can it be used intelligently?

Just as we did with previous revolutions. We need to understand AI and learn to master it. 90% of people use it every day without knowing it. For example, those who use Waze - a traffic information and driving assistance application - to get to a meeting point without wasting time, are using pure AI. There is no traditional computer system that can analyse so much data, such as traffic, weather, traffic jams and roadworks, in order to find the ideal route.

Today, when we talk about AI, we think of ChatGPT, but are there any other tools out there that we don't know about?

ChatGPT is generative artificial intelligence. This means that instead of analysing existing data, it generates completely new elements. When ChatGPT was launched in November 2022, everyone thought that everything was going to be revolutionised, that students were no longer going to study or that businesses were going to change completely. Instead, a year and a half later, we have the same life, but with a new tool. It will take 10 to 20 years before we will feel that our society has changed. Nevertheless, companies need to realise that this is a tool that has an impact.

Will artificial intelligence eventually replace human labour?

Studies show that it could replace around 9% of jobs in 10 years. That sounds like a lot, but you have to remember that the economy replaces a lot of jobs every year, so 9% really isn't a lot. AI has an impact on jobs, but it won't cause any to be lost.

​‘’We need to readapt our businesses to the age of artificial intelligence‘’

The people who should be afraid of losing their jobs are those who do not adapt to AI. In the history of Belgium, there have never been as many employees as there are today. When we look at it macro-economically, AI has created lots of jobs, such as coders.

Does AI contribute to achieving the objective of an 80% employment rate in the Brussels-Capital Region, as BECI wishes?

To achieve an 80% employment rate, there are plenty of urgent matters to be dealt with in Brussels. However, the use of AI in this ecosystem is going to be crucial, because it's a field in which we're looking for lots of people. For example, BeCode, an NPO that BECI supports, trains people in artificial intelligence over a period of nine months. 80% of them find a job straight away. This proves that the AI sector is not just for engineers or computer scientists, and that it can help to create jobs.

How far has the Brussels-Capital Region come in implementing artificial intelligence?

The most important thing for Brussels is that it should become the champion of the implementation of artificial intelligence. Let's go back to the example of electricity. We were world champions in its implementation, yet it was not invented in Brussels. Today, we need to do the same with AI. We would be more efficient, and to create jobs, we need an efficient economy.

Does Brussels still have progress to make?

We're making good progress, but we can always go faster. Some companies are not sufficiently aware of this change. We have to bear in mind that this is the fourth industrial revolution, which means that we are dealing with a metamorphosis in the way companies work. We need to readapt our businesses to the age of AI.

How can we convince companies that AI makes them more efficient?

First of all, you have to realise that it exists, because the vast majority of companies are already using it without realising it. Then, as a company, the big risk is to have a competitor who implements artificial intelligence, and not you. Imagine you're a company making a product and your competitor is doing the same thing. They are going to use AI to save 30% in time, efficiency and customer service. If you don't, it will be problematic for your business.

Does BECI help businesses that want to implement it?

Yes. Since June, we have put artificial intelligence at the heart of our mission and we want to help companies in Brussels implement it. We plan to provide training and organise seminars. We're inviting entrepreneurs to get in touch with BECI, so that we can discuss and understand their needs and provide them with better support.

How do you see Brussels 10 years from now?

Brussels will always be Brussels. AI won't change the capital, but I think we can restore its pride by making it more dynamic. By implementing this modern technology, the Region can achieve economic success. Brussels has always been at the forefront of technological solutions, and that's how it developed. Today, it's the same principle: let's reinvent Brussels using artificial intelligence.

Implementing artificial intelligence in the Brussels-Capital Region is one of BECI's missions. To do this, it supports you in the digital transformation of your company. Find out more here!

Era Balaj September 9, 2024
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