Private life accidents: your experience counts!

Major BforB survey
January 27, 2025 by
BECI Community

Entrepreneurs, we call on your experience

Have you ever been faced with an accident in your personal life (serious illness, long-term hospitalisation, loss of a loved one, etc.)?  This type of situation, which is often difficult to anticipate and overcome, can complicate or even temporarily prevent you from carrying on your business.

How would you react if this happened to you?

Have you anticipated it yet?

In order to better understand how these situations impact - or may impact - the management of your company and to identify the various problems they cause, BforB has developed a major survey on the subject, with the scientific contribution of Professor Marcus Dujardin, UNamurUCLouvain, and the services of the UCM. This unique and important survey is also supported by UCM, AKT4 WALLONIA, AKT-CCI Liège – Verviers – Namur.

In just 7 minutes, you can share your experience and help assess the difficulties and expectations of entrepreneurs in these difficult situations.

Complete the survey

Your answers are essential to ensure that we have a clear understanding of the issues at stake so that we can implement the solutions that are most useful to you.

Serge Lejeune, Chair BforB Asbl 

Do you have a question about the survey?

Send the question to

BECI Community January 27, 2025
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