It's not always easy to keep up a regular work rhythm when the sun comes out. Here are 5 tips to keep you focused and motivated, even in summer.
How can you stay productive at work when all you want to do is soak up the sun all summer long? It's true that when the temperatures rise outside, it becomes increasingly difficult to stay focused on your tasks without getting distracted. All the more so when half your office colleagues are missing. Yes, they're on holiday, but without you. While you're waiting to enjoy a drink on the terrace at the end of the day (because yes, you can), here are a few tips and tricks to help you stay motivated this summer.
1. The ‘Pomodoro’ method
Literally, it means ‘tomato’ in Italian. Developed by entrepreneur and management consultant Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, this method involves dividing working time into 25 minutes. Using a timer (Francesco Cirillo's was shaped like a tomato, hence the name ‘Pomodoro’), this technique is presented in 5 stages. First, choose the task you want to carry out. Next, set your timer for 25 minutes, during which you stay focused on your work. When the timer goes off, give yourself a 5-10 minute break. Finally, after repeating the process 4 times (i.e. an hour's work), take a longer break (between 20 and 25 minutes). This way, you avoid procrastination and increase your productivity.
2. Sound work in a sound agenda
To stay efficient and increase your productivity, think about reorganising your schedule by setting SMART objectives: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. If they tick all the boxes, your tasks can be completed more easily, without any loss of motivation. What's more, if your company allows it, plan to arrive at the office earlier and leave earlier. That way, you'll be able to make the most of the fine weather before the sun goes down.
3. The to-do list
Summer is generally a quieter time than the rest of the year. Take advantage of this time to do the things that are on your to-do list but that you've never taken the time to do. You may not even remember when you wrote it down. Did sorting your files, tidying your desk or cleaning out your email inbox seem secondary? Now is the perfect time to do it. The further you go down your list, the more satisfied you'll feel. It'll also help you prepare for the new school year. Give it a go!
4. The ‘introspection’ moment
Working on yourself contributes to your effectiveness at work. Why not take advantage of the summer to take a look back at your year and set yourself some new goals? Are you in line with your values in your job, are you fulfilled, how could you improve in your work? Take the time to think about and answer these questions. To help you, try the ‘journaling’ method, which involves writing down your emotions in a diary. This method encourages your personal development.
5. Networking
Most of your colleagues are on holiday, but that doesn't mean you have to give up afterwork parties. Relaxing after work and meeting new people promotes your well-being, and a healthy mind makes for efficient work. How about a visit to BECI? Throughout the summer (from 11 July to 12 September from 5.30 pm), the Brussels Chamber of Commerce and the Union of Enterprises in Brussels invite you to their Summer Rooftop Parties. It's a great opportunity to have a good time after work, chat and network. Are you coming? Book your spot here!