Export premiums: our SMEs need them, BECI demands that they be maintained

August 21, 2024 by
Export premiums: our SMEs need them, BECI demands that they be maintained

Brussels, 21 August 2024 - BECI, the Brussels Chamber of Commerce, regrets the announcement by the Brussels-Capital Region that it will be stopping export premiums for Brussels companies.

On Monday, the Brussels Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, Ans Persoons, announced that the 2024 regional budget - of three million euros - dedicated to export premiums had been exhausted. From 26 August 2024, it will no longer be possible for Brussels companies to submit new applications for foreign trade premiums. 

 BECI strongly regrets this decision, both in terms of its content and form: it was taken without any consultation with companies and social partners, with just one week's notice and, above all, without taking into account the promises made in 2023. As a reminder, in November 2023, the Secretary of State had announced that she had found ways to replenish the export premium envelope for 2024. 

Many Brussels companies, particularly SMEs, rely on this export aid to prospect for new markets, take part in international trade fairs and negotiate contracts. 

 This decision is preventing our businesses from developing and is therefore holding back the Brussels economy. All the more so as the other regions provide greater aid via Awex (Wallonia) and Fit (Flanders). 

This is why BECI reiterates the urgent need for a new government to be swiftly put in place in Brussels. Until then, we reiterate our appeal to the current Brussels government not to change such measures, which are essential to a sound economic policy.

For questions

Maïlys Charlier Zenari, press officer at BECI. 
+32 484 86 28 06 

Export premiums: our SMEs need them, BECI demands that they be maintained
BECI August 21, 2024
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