Démarrer une entreprise - BECI

Starting a business

The idea of setting up your own business has been on your mind for some time.

Learn more​

The idea of setting up your own business has been on your mind for some time. After duly weighing up the pros and cons, you finally decide to take the leap. That's easy to say, but how do you go about it? How do you turn this idea into an effective business plan? And what about the capital? Do you have to pay for everything out of your own pocket? Does it all seem Chinese to you? Don't panic, Beci, in partnership with Partena Professional, takes you through it step by step.

What are the basic requirements for setting up your own business?

As we have already explained, becoming self-employed is a very complex process. Before you can embark on this fascinating adventure, you need to meet a few specific preconditions. ‘Basic requirements’, you may ask. Yes, not everyone can become self-employed at the snap of a finger. Here is a list of the conditions required to become self-employed:

  • you must be of legal age
  • you have the Belgian nationality, you are a citizen of the European Union or you are not a citizen of the EU, but you are in possession of a work permit
  • you have full civil rights (in other words, you have never been tried for a serious offence)
  • you have legal capacity (you are not dependent on a provisional administrator and you have not been declared legally or judicially incapacitated)
  • you do not work in an incompatible profession (bailiff, lawyer, notary, judge, federal police officer, etc.)

Can you tick all these boxes? Perfect! It seems obvious, but these basic requirements are essential if you want to become self-employed in Belgium.

Now that everything is in order, we can move on to step 2: a good idea. Because, as you know, the key to success is a solid idea.

In partnership with Partena Professional.

Other administrative formalities

Shutting down a company
or a business unit

Measures and procedures in the event of
cessation of activity

Modifying your company data    

Your business is expanding.

Obtain your company number        

The business number is your company's
unique identification code.

Registration of leases

Important information: You can deposit      
a rental guarantee via MyMinfin at no extra
cost. To find out more about the rental
guarantee, see the FAQ section.

Extracts from the Crossroads
Bank for Enterprises

The Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE)
collects all company identification data and
makes it available to the general public.

Publication in the Belgian
Official Journal

Any amendment to the articles of 
association of a Belgian company,
approved by the Board of Directors      
or the General Assemblies, must be
filed with the clerk of the competent
court and published in the Belgian 
Official Journal.