Enregistrement de baux - BECI

Other administrative formalities

Shutting down a company
or a business unit

Measures and procedures in the event
of cessation of activity

Modifying your company data    

Your business is expanding.

Starting a business

The idea of setting up your own business
has been on your mind for some time.

Obtain your company number    

The company number is your company's
unique identification code.

Extracts from the Crossroads
Bank for Enterprises

The Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE)
collects all company identification data and
makes it available to the general public.

Publication in the Belgian     
Official Journal

Any amendment to the articles of association
of a Belgian company, approved by the Board
of Directors or the General Assemblies, must
be filed with the clerk of the competent court
and published in the Belgian Official Journal.