Public procurement

The 10 most frequently asked questions

1. What is a public procurement contract?

2. Where can I find public procurement contracts?

Public procurement contracts must be advertised in the Bulletin des Adjudications (BDA) as soon as they reach an estimated value of €139,000 (excluding VAT) and in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union as soon as the estimated value of the contract reaches the European thresholds (i.e. €214,000 (excluding VAT) for supply and service contracts and €5,350,000 (excluding VAT) for works contracts). The notices can be consulted on e-Notification: e-Notification ( These thresholds apply in 2020 and 2021.

Contracts concluded using the ‘negotiated procedure without prior publication’ in traditional sectors do not have to be published. Such a procurement procedure can be organised, for example, when the expenditure to be approved does not exceed €139,000 (excluding VAT). In this particular case, however, the contracting authority must contact at least three companies and invite them to submit a tender. Similarly, a contract of limited value (i.e. a contract with an estimated value of less than €30,000 (excluding VAT)) does not have to be published.

3. How high are the European thresholds from 1 January 2020?

4. Can I negotiate my offer with the contracting authority?

5. What are the selection criteria?

6. What are the attribution criteria?

7. Does a company have to offer everything the contracting authority asks for?

8. Who should sign the offer?

9. Can the contracting authority simply provide an overview of the points obtained?

10. Can a company contest a contracting authority's attribution decision?