The Importance of Prevention in Health Management & Improvement

December 11, 2023 by
BECI Community

Health and Well-being is a priority and our most valuable asset. There is nothing else more important: health is the basis of life. Here’s what you need to know about Prevention in Health Management.

Diseases are a huge burden causing many negative consequences physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. This impact is not limited only to the sick person, but all those around them such as family, friends, colleagues, employers and government. In this way, diseases must be strongly and quickly avoided at their roots through prevention to the fullest extent.

Lives can be saved in emergency rooms, but also through primary prevention : avoiding the development of preventable diseases in early stages in the first place. Chronic diseases are largely preventable, for example. Heart diseases, type 2 diabetes and stroke are 80% preventable, according to the World Health Organization. It is also very important to detect diseases in early stages so they can be treated faster and more effectively.

During and after the pandemic, the awareness of the necessity to know how to protect, maintain and improve health properly increased exponentially worldwide.

In order to support and empower companies to create healthy work environments with effective and strategic corporate preventive services, Brussels Medical Prevention Center was carefully designed, developed and created. The scientific basis in Prevention of all BMPC services is crucial to generate highly positive outcomes financially and in health. Without scientific basis on the services provision, there is no effectiveness or desired positive outcomes.

At an individual level, to enable the empowerment of Health Management & Improvement, BMPC provides scientific based Webinar Series and corporate events. Key topics in prevention are presented to be implemented at the workplace and in daily life in an effective, practical and joyful way, as it requires a learning process.

Prevention is a powerful shelter for lives, corporations and governments.

Implementing Corporate Preventive services is also part of the corporate risk management strategy as it increases resilience and readiness for future pandemics. Businesses and its human capital become better protected while keeping high productivity and performance.


Corporate Benefits of Prevention

A healthy work environment and a preventive-oriented approach increase productivity, reduce health care costs, decrease employee turnover and absenteeism, increase employee loyalty and motivation, increase corporate resilience, sustainability and reputation.

The environment also generates a direct impact on health. In this way, it is crucial to promote healthy environments in order to keep people healthy physically and mentally. The contact with nature is always encouraged to enhance health and well-being.

Prevention is the best way to achieve a healthy life which can bring plenty of powerful benefits in all areas increasing the chances to reach full potential in life with joy, resilience and high performance in long-term.

The core business of BMPC is to support and encourage companies to create a powerful transformative cultural change towards Health and Well-being using Preventive Medicine. The integrated holistic approach with health education and lifestyle interventions will certainly generate strong positive societal and economic impact.

Prevention is life, innovation, sustainability and brings prosperity as a reward.


For more information, to schedule a Corporate Preventive Analysis and/or access to the Webinar Series in Health Management, please access:




Master of Science in Preventive Medicine – Dresden International University

Certificate in Business: Building, Leading and Sustaining an Innovative Organization – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Boston USA


A Sophisticated Exclusive Corporate Analysis is performed in order to define strategic immediate and mid-long term planning of BMPC Corporate Preventive Program.

This detailed analysis will define the whole preventive scientific-based health program and services necessary to be implemented at the workplace in order to be effective, generating positive health & financial outcomes.




BECI Community December 11, 2023
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