Individual dismissal: the essential checklist

by NautaDutilh & BECI

The purpose of the ‘ Dismissal’ checklist is to help employers when dismissing an employee. Dismissal is always a delicate process, and one that requires careful preparation. It can also be a source of significant costs that need to be anticipated. This checklist should enable you to gather all the necessary and useful information to keep any subsequent discussions to a minimum.

In general, there is always help available to suit the needs of entrepreneurs, you just need to know where to look and, above all, who to ask.

Download the checklist (FR)

Checklist : licenciement individuel - BECI

Subjects covered:

Part 1

Information about the employer

Part 2

Information about the employee

Part 3

Information about remuneration.

Part 4


Part 5

Personal information.

Part 6


In partnership with

Thierry Duquesne , lawyer at NautaDutilh SR