Mental health

Managing a company today means being able to manage teams who, like the manager, have to deal with and react quickly and intelligently to ongoing changes such as working methods, new tools, the economic climate, digitalisation, etc.

In a world where performance, agility and speed are the order of the day, it's up to managers to take an interest in the well-being of their employees. The steady rise in burnout and absenteeism in the workplace points to the need to integrate the issue of well-being at work into human resources management. A happy employee is a more effective employee.

How can you prevent burn out, exhaustion, demotivation and stress in your teams?

There are methods, tools and training courses available to support you and define good practices  to help you gain perspective on your work. Set limits, identify symptoms, support your teams in making positive lifestyle choices, and make the work-life balance a priority.  comme une priorité.

Integrating this dynamic into your company will have a positive impact on the motivation and commitment of your teams, reduce absenteeism and, as a result, boost your company's performance.

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catherine mertens

Catherine Mertens

Coaching Officer

+32 484 071 887