Brussels International Desk

A dynamic, solution-oriented system

Set up by the Brussels Chamber of Commerce, the Brussels International Desk is a natural destination and community for many international companies and foreign startups, expats who arrive in Brussels, diplomats and official representations from hundreds of countries and regions present in Brussels.

The Brussels International Desk is the reference point and service provider for

·        Expats

·        Foreign companies and startups

·        Belgian exporters

·        Chambers of commerce

·        Foreign regions

·        International institutions

·        Embassies, diplomats


Our offer focuses on six key elements:

A place for sharing with a mix of collaborative and private spaces

Chamcafé: modular work area for coworking, exhibitions and events: big meeting table, circular bar, flex desks, call booths, coffee machine, fridges, reserved for partners and the reception of visitors.

Conference and meeting rooms of different capacity up to 120 people across three floors with screens, video, and sound equipment.

Learn more

We have a programme of recurring and inspiring events:

·        Hello 500: Free networking breakfast. Open to all, multi-generational and cosmopolitan.

·        Hello Brussels: On-boarding sessions and networking lunches for expats, foreign delegations, and diplomats.

·        Hello World: Information and networking sessions for Brussels entrepreneurs and companies aspiring to export

·        Customizable Hello events: Our ‘Hello’ event format can be customized and boosted with the local and business elements such as:

​- Speeches by officials and companies from the hist country or region

​- Custom thematic and business focus

​- Presentation of targeted research papers, surveys or data sets

​- Targeted networking opportunities and access to market in face-to-face

​- Food, drinks and cultural set up of the host territory (music, exhibition, etc.)

On demand products and services.

Partnering activities – consulting services on potential partners

Access to Market events. We can support you in organising an event on business opportunities in your country or region with promotion it among our members through the wide database and Beci media channels


Tax and legal; financial compliance; sales and marketing; food and product safery; ESG, lobbying, etc.

Network of experts available for missions and training events on demand

International partnership opportunities


6. Administrative support

Certificates of Origin, GlobalSign, ATA Carnets, Consular services, etc. Learn more