Pimento Map


A tool for assessing the maturity of innovative projects, mentoring the creation of start ups and guiding teams towards success:

Pimento Map has been around for 7 years, is 100% digital and available in 9 languages. It helps teams to develop innovative and successful business projects and enables coaches to be more effective, more quickly! - visit their website  

Created by the Virtuology Academy team, this tool is based on in-depth research into hundreds of companies. The Pimento Map methodology can be used in all types of organisation dealing with or managing innovation projects.

With 18 questions and 4 possible answers, there are 72 potential scenarios to consider. The tool is used as a compass to guide the team, coaches and experts in the development of the project. It gives clear indications of the actions to prioritise and how to minimise risks.

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A unique all-in-one tool for identifying a project's strengths, weaknesses and areas for attention, while validating its market readiness.

The benefits of Pimento Map