
Our MeDoFly programme helps prominent, ambitious and committed start ups on their way to international growth.

Spread over three years, this guidance starts with two months of intensive training given by renowned experts.

Candidates are put in groups of 10 entrepreneurs and mentored by the top names in the Belgian business world

Submit your candidacy


Selected candidates will be assigned a mentor selected from our BECI members. 


Participants will have access to a rich source of knowledge and expertise from our many experts to help them develop their business. 


By joining our programme, the laureates will have access to our entire community and network of entrepreneurs. 


Each laureate will have the opportunity to promote their business in our media: BXFM, Beci​ Brussels Business magazine, newsletters, social network platforms, etc.  

The MeDoFly programme has 3 stages


‘Come and listen to inspiring testimonials from scale-up founders and tell us about your project’.

10 Inspirational Scale-Up nights per year: monthly talk show with INSPIRING founders and entrepreneurs followed by networking

Every last Tuesday of the month, we invite managers of fast-growing companies to talk about their journey and the challenges they have faced in their professional careers and private lives.

Register here

These business owners are also mentors of the MeDoFly programme.

‘Come and develop your action plan for your growth project in close collaboration with experts in various fields’.

Action programme:

•  +/- 40 hours of training over 3 months (see schedule below)

•  ½ day INTAKE to define candidates' needs + 1 individual “challenge” meeting

•  Tools: Vlerick Growth Scan, personality and leadership tests, Pimento Map…

•  12 ‘Growth Hacking’ sessions in the evening from 6 pm to 9 pm, tailored to the needs of each participant by our experts in: financing, leadership, sales, marketing, strategy, HR, international, innovation, pricing, sustainability, legal, pitching... catering included

•  1 full day of preparation with the Beci team to present your action plan

•  8 companies are selected per cohort

Presentation by the company manager of his action plan to the ‘Fly Commitee’ made up of experts and partners

‘Implementation of the growth plan''

3 years of assistance

•  Quarterly monitoring of participant figures

•  Connections with the entire BECI community and its network of entrepreneurs

•  12 months' support from a mentor

•  Funding research, fund-raising, subsidies, etc.

•  Highlighting projects/businesses in the Beci MEDIAi

      (BXFM, Magazine BBB, Newsletter, Podcasts…) and more.

 Alain Heureux - Strategy

 Bruno Wattenbergh - Strategy

 Layla El Mourabit - Leadership

 Philippe Szombat - Sales

 Pierre Hermant - Funding

 Laurent Van Duyse - Human Resources

Steven Beckers - Sustainability

Gabriel Goldberg - Marketing

Stefaan Sonck Thiebaut - Innovation

 Frederik Tibau - International

Pierre-Alexis Léonard - Legal

Melanie Hussel - Communication

 Geoffroy van Kan - Human Capital​​​

 André Lejeune - Strategy

Joëlle Evenepoel - Sustainability

Georges Copetinas - Pricing Strategies​​​​​

Course of the training 

For 2 months, the laureates will follow 50 hours of intensive, personalised training given by renowned experts. At the end of the course, they will defend their project/business in front of our sponsors and experts.

Evaluation and selection of candidates

by Alain Heureux, Eric Vanden Bemden & the programme mentors 

Kick off & Intake

Project/business presentations, networking, group facilitation, definition of the growth hacking plan; an opportunity to put together a custom programme and follow-up


Personality, leadership, management, resilience, assertiveness, etc. -tests


Defining precise objectives and priorities for allocating resources (tangible, intangible, human and financial). 


Learning ​ how to rapidly transform the dynamics of your sales to give a real boost to turnover, margins and cash flow.


Enhancing your reputation, increase sales and grow your business.

Human Resources

How to meet the HR challenges of exponential growth: talent acquisition and retention, day-to-day and long-term people management, employer branding, outsourcing, training, etc.


Overview of the different financing solutions available depending on your stage of development and your capital requirements. 


Learn how to prospect for international markets and grow worldwide. 


The transition to sustainable entrepreneurship is crucial in order to maintain the competitiveness and growth of businesses.

Pricing Strategy

A pricing policy is essential for determining the structure and level of pricing for goods and services offered to existing or potential customers.

Communication - Pitch

The aim is to prepare each winner to efficiently present their action plan for the next 36 months and convince their future contacts of the feasibility of their business development.

Presentation to a panel of investors, business leaders and personalities ←

Selection of projects/businesses for the next stage of the support programme with the Captains of Industry & the CEO of BECI

Follow-Up « FLY » 36 months 

Implementation of the entire acceleration programme

Quarterly monitoring of participants' figures

Integration of the entire BECI community and its network of entrepreneurs into the acceleration programme

Shape the future of your business with the best possible support by bringing together a unique group of sponsors, mentors, experts and purposeful contacts.

Becoming a market leader is no mean feat. While the journey is full of unknowns, it is also, and above all, an extremely rewarding experience. It's an experience that brings unparalleled satisfaction and is a source of great pride.

But you can't become a real scale up company on your own. You need to be surrounded by the right people. People who add expertise to your own as an entrepreneur, people who have the network to open doors abroad, people who know how to help businesses succeed..

The MeDoFly acceleration programme relies on a community of renowned entrepreneurship experts.

With backgrounds in specific areas such as leadership, sales, marketing strategy, HR or finance, our experts run on demand training courses for selected candidates to help them optimise and boost their business.

BECI not only represents and supports all of Brussels' businesses, but is also the gateway to foreign markets for our laureates through its connections with international chambers of commerce.

Beci, with its thousands of members, is opening up its entire community and network of entrepreneurs to the laureates of the MeDoFly acceleration programme, helping them grow both nationally and internationally by sharing their knowledge and expertise, getting actively involved and opening up their network.

Submit your candidacy

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