Electric charging stations mandatory from 2025

September 5, 2024 by
Era Balaj


Bruxelles Environnement is launching a campaign in advance of new obligations starting in 2025. From 1 January 2025, there will be mandatory quotas for electric charging stations in car parks with more than ten spaces.

Car parks in Brussels with more than ten spaces must be equipped with electric vehicle charging stations from 1 January 2025. “The aim is to limit the installation of charging stations in the street, as they take up space and can lead to ill-feeling,” explains Damien Sury, an expert in sustainable mobility at Bruxelles Environnement. The idea is for every driver to be able to recharge their vehicle in their private parking space or in one nearby.

Three quotas for three types of car park

The Decree of 29 September 2022 imposes progressive quotas for the installation of charging stations in three types of car park: residential, office and other (supermarkets, hospitals etc.). From January 2025, at least 10% of office parking spaces must be equipped with charging stations, with a target of 30% by 2035. “Corporate vehicle fleets are the first to become all-electric, and therefore offices have a greater need for recharging points,” Damien explains.

As for residential parking, every parking space belonging to a resident with an electric vehicle must be equipped with a charging point. For other car parks (public or commercial), at least 5% of their spaces must be equipped with charging facilities, with a target of 30% by 2035.




“To facilitate the transition towards the mandatory obligations coming in 2025, the Region has created a free ‘Charging station facilitator’ service,” says Bruxelles Environnement. The service is available by email: Facilitateur.bornes@environnement.brussels.





in ESG
Era Balaj September 5, 2024
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