More and more Belgian and Brussels-based companies are incorporating ESG (environmental, social and governance) challenges into the heart of their strategy. Once considered a burden, these issues are now becoming opportunities to make your business more competitive and more attractive to your talent, your customers and your financial partners.
On 3 December from 8:30 am to 11 am, in the presence of peers and experts, come and find out how you can ‘shift’ your company to improve its performance and grow your business.
The European framework gradually requires companies to report on their non-financial performance, i.e. the impact of their operations on the environment (emissions, direct or indirect generation of pollution, pressure on resources, biodiversity, etc.), society (purchasing and contractual conditions, employee well-being at work, social representation, etc.) and governance (the way decisions are taken). This framework is aimed primarily at large companies, but it will soon affect SMEs as well, as long as they are part of their value chain. They will also have to make commitments and meet the reporting requirements of their customers and partners.
Regardless of these legal obligations, the consequences of the environmental crisis are already present, with impacts on costs and the availability of resources. Anticipating and innovating to evolve your business model is undoubtedly the best option if you don't want to be left out in the cold.
Work on your operating method and value proposition
While reviewing operating methods (reducing energy consumption, decarbonising processes, sorting and treating waste) is often the first reflex, it may also be appropriate to reflect on the company's value proposition. Indeed, developing products or services that reduce environmental impact, or even restore degraded situations, opens the door to new opportunities. These initiatives, which are motivating for your teams and partners, are part of emerging economic models and a market that is set to grow.
To explore these issues and see how this approach can be implemented in your business, BECI invites you to the ‘shift my enterprise’ workshop. This workshop will enable you to understand what is at stake for your company, to assess the interest of this programme set up by the region to support the transition of SMEs and, if relevant, to fill in an application form. Limited to 20 participants, registration required.
For more information on enterprise shifting, click here: